Under construction - Dott. Alicchio Stefano

Our Website Is
Under Construction

We should be online quite soon. But in the meantime you can still visit the old website, until our new flashy one is launched. Click below to go to old site or send us an email with your query.

Time To Relaunch The Website...


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P.zza Vittorio Veneto, 3
20013 Magenta – MI

Castano Primo

Via San Gerolamo, 21 20022 Castano Primo – Mi

Orari Magenta

Lunedì – 08.30 > 19.30
Martedì – 08.30 > 19.30
Mercoledì – 08.30 > 19.30
Giovedì – 08.30 > 19.30
Venerdì – 08.30 > 19.30
Sabato – Chiuso
Domenica – Chiuso

Orari Castano Primo

Lunedì – Chiuso
Martedì – Chiuso
Mercoledì – 14.00 > 20.00
Giovedì – Chiuso
Venerdì – 09.30 > 20.00
Sabato – 08.30 > 13.00
Domenica – Chiuso

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